Government Contracting Vendors Opportunities:

Government procurement is an industry that is unique and challenging. Companies around the USA are fighting for a piece of the pie in terms of providing their products or services on the GSA schedule and other government procurement portals. Looking to venture in this business? ProAce International provides up to 100 different NAICS codes to agencies such as the NIH, Department of the Navy, homeland security, the Military and many others.

We pride ourselves in providing quality products to government agencies, either brand name products or equal, in terms of quality but at lesser price. No solicitations are too small or too big for ProAce International. Either Purchase order contracts or Purchase cards contract, we are flexible and can deliver in a timely basis.
WE carry a database of over 3000 vendors all around the USA, Canada, and Mexico that can certify providing high-end products to all government agencies across both USA and Canada.

Since most bids are posted on the famous FBO.Gov, we maintain a constant presence and participate in most bids that we can ensure delivery of quality products at affordable prices.

ProAce International is working diligently with government agencies to make sure that all needs are met, and if we have to add some items on our product line, we make sure to inform the agencies about the updates.

For more information on how to get included on our vendors list, do not hesitate to contact us through our online form or by phone at 1-877-963-7283 and provide us with the products you manufacture or distribute.

Looking forward in doing business with your company very soon,

ProAce International Procurement Team.

More of our services:
So you think we don’t have enough to offer? No problem. Here are some more exciting services ProAce International has to offer you.
Are you an inspiring author? Have you ever wondered what it is like to get your book published? Have you always asked yourself, when entering a bookstore, how did these authors get a shelf space for their books? Well, mostly because publishing house have that author under their umbrella.

However, all that comes at a price. The author will maybe get a dime or nickel if their books sells. Ideally, you want to hit the 250 000 book sold so you can be on the Best seller list. So how to do all that? You can always Self published and get all the money in your pocket. Yes, promoting yourself is required, even if you are under the publisher’s umbrella, you still need to be out there and promote. SO might as well do it for you right? ProAce will help you through the whole process of how to self-publish at a fraction of the price of the vanity presses.

Below are some ideas of books we have published and promoted:

The American Dream book: How to start or buy a business with none of your cash
Mission Possible: How to Eradicate obesity in America
Gloateus Maximus: Inside lives of personal trainers
Tools for self-publishing: Everything is disclosed: 
Government Procurement: How to do business with the federal government and be successful at it

Below are all services we offer and website we promote. Feel free to browse through it and let  us know what you need. We will be very happy to help


Our new and exciting project is the where opportunity can come twice in your life. If you feel you have talent and ready to show it to the right agents to get the music contract you always wished for, well, this is the place to be. Underdogidols is for those who did or didn’t perform in front of the famous TV reality show.   Where can you find a company with so many different options then with ProAce International. Have you even considered using the power of the internet to promote your services or products to the public? Well, we have it here. IBEM.BIZ is the solution. Internet Based Email Marketing will reflect your quality marketing campaign to your targeted audience. So go ahead, join and use our great services and you will see difference in terms of increase customer base, greater audience, etc…

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